Is All-on-4 on Top And Bottom of Your Mouth?

All-on-4 dental implants have become a popular option for patients who have lost most or all of their teeth. The treatment involves the placement of four dental implants to support a full arch of replacement teeth. One common question patients have is whether All-on-4 can be used on both the top and bottom of the mouth. 

All-on-4 on Top and Bottom

Yes, All-on-4 can be used on both the top and bottom of the mouth. In fact, many patients choose to have All-on-4 implants placed on both arches to achieve a complete and natural-looking smile. The process for placing All-on-4 on both arches is similar to placing the implants on just one arch.

The Procedure

The All-on-4 procedure involves the placement of four dental implants in strategic locations in the jawbone. The implants are made of titanium and are surgically placed in the jawbone. After the implants are placed, a temporary bridge of replacement teeth is attached to the implants.
Once the implants have healed and fused with the jawbone, a final set of replacement teeth is attached to the implants. The replacement teeth are custom-designed to match the size, shape, and colour of the patient's natural teeth, providing a natural-looking and functional smile.

Advantages of All-on-4

One of the primary advantages of All-on-4 is that it can provide a full arch of replacement teeth with just four implants. This can reduce the cost and time of the treatment compared to other implant-supported denture options. Additionally, the strategic placement of the implants can provide excellent support and stability for the replacement teeth, allowing patients to eat, speak, and smile with confidence.
All-on-4 can be used on both the top and bottom of the mouth to provide a full arch of replacement teeth. This treatment option is a popular choice for patients who want a natural-looking and functional smile without the hassle and inconvenience of traditional dentures. If you are interested in learning more about All-on-4 and whether it is right for you, contact Next Smile Australia to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced dentists.
Posted in Business blogs on July 24 at 06:05 AM

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