Website's loading times

Hey folks! I run an online store on Magento and have noticed that my website's loading times have been slower than usual. I'm not sure what could be causing this issue and would like to conduct a performance audit to identify the root cause and improve my site's speed and overall performance. Has anyone else experienced similar problems with their Magento store, and do you have any advice on how to conduct a performance audit effectively?
olli fill on April 19 at 06:34 AM in Other question
2 Answer(s)
Magento has built-in caching mechanisms that can significantly improve performance. Enable full-page caching, block caching, and HTML caching in your Magento configuration to reduce server load and speed up page loading times.drywall repair contractors
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on April 30 at 04:36 AM
Hey there! I've actually had a similar experience with my Magento store's performance. I noticed that my page loading times were slower than usual, and it was affecting my site's overall functionality and user experience. I decided to reach out to for a performance audit, and their team was able to identify the root cause of the issue and provide recommendations to improve my site's speed and performance. After implementing their suggestions, my website is now loading super-fast, and I've noticed a significant increase in both conversions and organic traffic. I highly recommend conducting a performance audit if you're experiencing similar issues with your Magento store. It's a small investment that can lead to huge returns in the long run.
anthony drowow on April 19 at 07:07 AM