How to save important documents?

I'd love to hear how you see the issue I'm concerned about. How do you save your important documents in case of data loss? In this day and age, data loss can happen for a variety of reasons, whether it's hardware failure, viruses, or accidental deletions. Therefore, it is crucial to have a reliable way of backing up and storing important information.
alikaka on September 08 at 10:40 AM in Technologies
3 Answer(s)
When it comes to keeping important documents safe, I have a few approaches I use for reliable backups. First, I make sure to use cloud storage such as Google Drive or Dropbox for regular backups. However, for a more reliable and flexible solution, I often turn to . This service not only provides a way to store and share files but also offers additional features that can be very useful.
toxatyt on September 08 at 11:32 AM
I save important documents on cloud storage and make periodic backups to an external hard drive. This gives me peace of mind that if there is a problem with one of the data sources, I can still access the important information.
zaza joj on September 08 at 12:27 PM
This title means so much because the last period of my career was not easy
Chris on September 09 at 05:43 AM