Hearing loss varies in degree and can range from mild to profound. Not everyone with hearing loss needs a hearing aid, but for many, it can be life-changing. At Attune Hearing, we're dedicated to helping you understand when a hearing aid might be necessary.


Mild Hearing Loss


With mild hearing loss, you might struggle to hear soft sounds or conversations in noisy environments. While it may be inconvenient, a hearing aid isn't always necessary at this stage. Instead, strategic listening techniques and proactive communication can help manage the situation.


Moderate Hearing Loss


Moderate hearing loss makes it challenging to hear regular conversations without a hearing aid. If you find yourself frequently asking people to speak more loudly or repeat themselves, this could indicate a moderate loss. In this case, a hearing aid can significantly improve your quality of life.


Severe Hearing Loss


Severe hearing loss often necessitates the use of a hearing aid. Without one, you'll likely only hear loud noises or bits and pieces of loud conversation. A hearing aid can help you engage more effectively in everyday communication and activities.

Profound Hearing Loss


Profound hearing loss means you can't hear most sounds without amplification. In these cases, hearing aids or cochlear implants are usually necessary to help process sounds and improve your communication abilities.


Consult a Professional


Everyone's hearing loss experience is unique, and what works for one person might not work for another. It's always best to consult a professional audiologist for a comprehensive hearing assessment. They can guide you through the process, explaining your degree of hearing loss and discussing the appropriate options.


At Attune Hearing, we provide high-quality hearing tests and personalised advice about hearing aids. If you're experiencing difficulties with your hearing, don't hesitate to get in touch. We're committed to helping you achieve the best possible hearing health.

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