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  • 8101 Slater Ave (just east of Beach Blvd at Slater) in Huntington Beach
  • About Mike:
    - May 17, 2018

    A little more about Mike Boswith
    In 1975 Jesus accepted me through the ministry of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

    During 8 years in the United States Navy,
    The State of New York Regents awarded
    an associate’s degree in science. Leadership
    training came through Campus Crusade for
    Christ while stationed in Pearl Harbor HI
    in 1978. Ministerial training began in earnest
    when the folks at the Oak Harbor Church
    of the Nazarene needed a volunteer youth
    pastor during a final tour at NAS Whidbey Island.

    Between 1985 and 88 Memphis Calvary Church of the Nazarene: youth pastor. In 1986 Trevecca Nazarene College: bachelor’s in religious studies. Post Graduate studies began with the MDiv program at Memphis Cumberland Presbyterian Seminary.

    In 1988 Victoria First Church of the Nazarene: pastor. A master’s in theology completed in 1989 and elected Nazarene Youth International president.

    In 1991 pastor of Crescent Avenue Church of the Nazarene
    In 1995 I took on the challenge of restarting the ministry that became the Huntington Beach Community Church of the Nazarene. December 2000 an earned doctoral degree in psychology specializing in cognitive behavioral and intergenerational therapy awarded by the American Behavioral Studies Institute.

    March 2001 a heart attack changed me from being a very driven personality to living a more balanced life.

    In 2011 an permanent injury to my son

    and the death of my wife

    put me in a tailspin; there definitely was a crash and burn.
    I made so many mistakes, too many wrong decisions, but the good people of HBCC supported me, ministered to me, and held me accountable.
    In 2015 God blessed me with a new companion.

    I have had more than my fair share of sin, setbacks, heartaches and breaks, betrayals, wrong decisions and spiritual warfare, failures and defeats yet by His grace I still stand. By that same grace, I have had mountaintop experiences, victory, and success. Come alongside and let’s see if through that same grace of God we can make a difference for the folks in our world.