Melting Point.

The melting point is the temperature at which a solid substance changes from a solid to a liquid. At the melting point, the substance undergoes a phase transition known as melting. During this transition, the intermolecular forces holding the atoms or molecules in the lattice of the solid weaken and eventually collapse, allowing the substance to flow and take on the properties of a liquid.
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The melting point is a characteristic property of a substance and is usually stated as one temperature value. Different substances have different melting points because of differences in their molecular or atomic structure and the strength of intermolecular forces. Some substances have high melting temperatures, requiring considerable thermal energy to break down the intermolecular forces, while others have low melting temperatures, requiring less energy.
Factors such as pressure, impurities and the presence of other substances can affect the melting point. Generally, increasing pressure raises the melting point, and the presence of impurities or other substances can either raise or lower the melting point, depending on their effect on the intermolecular forces. It is very interesting to talk about it in this website . 

Melting point is an important physical property used in various fields, including materials science, chemistry, and industry. It helps to identify and characterize substances, determine their purity, and understand their behavior under various conditions. Melting points are often stated in degrees Celsius (°C) or Kelvin (K).
ban ladan on May 18 at 08:04 AM in Other question
2 Answer(s)
Melting point is an important physical property used in various fields, including materials science, chemistry, and industry. It helps to identify and characterize substances, determine their purity, and understand their behavior under various conditions. 
Natalya Serement on May 23 at 01:29 AM
Melting point is an important physical property used in various fields, including materials science, chemistry, and industry. It helps to identify and characterize substances, determine their purity, and understand their behavior under various conditions. Melting points are often stated in degrees Celsius (°C) or Kelvin (K).
Ganna Titovech on May 22 at 09:54 AM