What are probiotics? When is the most effective time to eat? Benefits and side effects of probiotics
Probiotics are a type of active microorganisms that are beneficial to human health. Common types include lactic acid bacteria and Bifidobacterium. This article will explore the benefits, consumption methods, and possible side effects of probiotics to help everyone better understand how to take probiotics correctly.
What are probiotics?
Probiotics are active microorganisms that are beneficial t...  more
D-甘露糖究竟是什麼?專家解密甘露糖功效與吃法 (女孩的營養好朋友) - A+醫學資訊百科
你曾經聽過D-甘露糖 (D-mannose) 嗎?甘露糖功效在最近幾年已經成為歐美女性關注的焦點之一,D-甘露糖是一種單糖,是多醣的組成部分。與葡萄糖一樣,它可以在人體內自然生成。一些水果和蔬菜含有豐富的甘露糖,例如蔓越莓、蘋果、柑橘、桃子、青花菜和四季豆,對女性泌尿健康有所幫助。