When should B group be taken? Nutritionists reveal the benefits, side effects and correct way to eat B complex!
#What is Group B?
Vitamin B Complex, also known as vitamin B group, includes eight water-soluble vitamins including vitamin B1<a href=https://medvoyage.tw/b%E7%BE%A4>b group recommendation</a>, B2, B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6, B7 (biotin), B9 (folic acid) and B12. These vitamins work together to support the proper functioning of the body and are therefore often designed to...  more
維生素B群是什麼?專家解析8大維他命B群功效和如何補充更好 - 醫學之旅
維生素B群 (Vitamin B Complex),也稱維他命B群,是水溶性的維生素,人體無法製造或製造不足, … 閱讀全文 維生素B群是什麼?專家解析8大維他命B群功效和如何補充更好