Hey who can advice trusted platform for game in Australia?
Hello, lovely crochet community! I've been trying to find ways to unwind after long days and I've heard that 'mindless crochet' can be quite therapeutic. I’m really curious about projects that are ...
Привіт, дівчата! Порадьте, будь ласка, які гормональні контрацептиви ви використовуєте і чи задоволені ними? Хочу знайти щось надійне, але трохи гублюся серед усіх варіантів. Які є побічні ефекти і...
Meine Arbeitsbelastung in meinem neuen Job ist hoch, und ich brauche dringend Hilfe bei meiner Jura-Seminararbeit. Wo finde ich zuverlässige Hilfe?
Останнім часом моя машина почала підозріло гуркотіти на швидкості. Звук спершу був ледь чутний, але тепер він перетворився на щось гучне, особливо коли їду по трасі. Я вже перевіряв гальма, колеса ...
Top American Olympic biathletes, on the other hand, are paid $2,000 a month plus incentives if they win on the World Cup circuit. Others on the squad make do in whatever way they can, frequently pa...
Hi, I'm a dApp developer myself. Started using BaaS to make life easier. But don't know much about it yet. Any tips. Looking for a crypto node. Preferably something proven over the years. In genera...
I don't know if there are any gays here. It's been a long time since I realized that I love my friend. Not just as a friend, but as a boyfriend. But I've been straight my whole life. And I kind of ...
What do you think about it? Where is housing cheaper and where is more expensive?
I work in a medical organization, and we are considering options for developing wearable medical devices for our patients. Can anyone recommend a good company that develops such devices?