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  • ¿Alguien tiene recomendaciones sobre dónde encontrar joyería con diamantes deslumbrantes? Estoy buscando algo único y elegante para una ocasión especial. Me encan...

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    Xaqa on February 17 at 12:14 PM in Clothes and Accessories
  • Anoche, salí con amigos y parece que he dejado mi teléfono en algún lugar, pero no recuerdo dónde. Estoy desesperado por encontrar su ubicación exacta. ¿Al...

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    Xaqa on February 21 at 09:35 AM in Technologies
  • Hey everyone! I've been dreaming of getting my hands on this amazing guitar for a while now, but money's been tight. I'm thinking of trying my luck and winning some extra cash to make my dream come...

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    WossyB on February 23 at 12:14 PM in Other question
  • Estou procurando por um aplicativo confiável para fazer algumas apostas esportivas e jogar alguns jogos de cassino online. No entanto, estou um pouco hesitante em escolher um, pois nã...

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    WossyB on February 24 at 03:34 PM in Other question
  • Salut! Am un laptop Lenovo și am observat recent că ecranul începe să prezinte unele probleme. Se întunecă uneori sau are pete negre. Ce ar putea cauza aceste probleme și ce soluții rec...

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    Xaqa on February 28 at 02:06 PM in Technologies
  • Hello! We are currently coming up with a project at the university to create our own program and I am having some difficulties with it. Could you please help me?

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    Evelynn on February 29 at 04:40 PM in Other question
  • De ce viteza internetului meu este atât de lentă? Această întrebare poate fi frustrantă pentru mulți dintre noi. Viteza lentă a internetului poate fi cauzată de mai multe probleme, de l...

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    Beryp Sawer on March 02 at 04:33 PM in Technologies
  • На тижні їду до Києва, я вирішив, що найзручніше буде скористатися орендою авто. Але де саме вигідно і надійно орендувати автомобіль у цьому великому місті? Можливо, хтось має досвід користування ...

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    Xaqa on March 07 at 07:39 PM in Car and Transportation
  • I'm in the process of upgrading my kitchen and I'm wondering about the best practices for dishwasher installation and connection. Any advice on where to start or what to look out for? I want to mak...

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    Xaqa on March 13 at 03:56 PM in Other question
  • Здравствуйте! Я хочу узнать больше о стоматологическом протезировании и его видах. Какие существуют методы и как выбрать оптимальный для себя? Буду благодарен за подробные объяснения и советы по вы...

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    Beryp Sawer on March 19 at 12:44 PM in Professional Services