Collect email addresses of friends on Facebook

I would like to know ways and tools that I can use to safely and efficiently collect the email addresses of all my Facebook friends. This will help me establish a more reliable and diverse connection with them, not limited to just the social network. What methods and tips can you suggest for creating an email list of my Facebook friends?
Turksad on October 09 2023 at 03:04 PM in Other question
3 Answer(s)
Friendship is a cornerstone of my life, and having a lot of friends brings me joy and support. However, maintaining healthy relationships is just as important. Recently, I explored the guide  how to set healthy boundaries with friends  on the MakeHeadway platform, and it was incredibly helpful. It taught me how to communicate my needs clearly while respecting others, ensuring my friendships remain strong and balanced. 
hafam on December 21 2024 at 03:31 AM
Building relationships with friends correctly also allows for mutual respect, trust, and understanding, fostering long-lasting and fulfilling connections.
geliebte on December 21 2024 at 03:26 AM
If you want to gather a smaller circle of your friends outside of Facebook, try to think where else you can meet new people. Also, Facebook has not only a social network, but also a marketplace . There you can not only communicate with people, but also buy and sell interesting goods.
Sergio1 on October 17 2024 at 05:35 PM