Does anyone know how to find someone's address with just their phone number?

Hey everyone, I've been trying to reconnect with an old friend, and I only have their phone number. Does anyone know how to find someone's address with just their phone number? I want to reach out to them, but I've lost touch over the years. Any advice would be appreciated!
Drew Netters on January 12 at 11:21 PM in Other question
2 Answer(s)
Respecting privacy should be a priority. If the initial contact doesn't yield a response, you can explore other avenues to reconnect. Social media platforms are a great way to find and connect with people. Many individuals share their contact information willingly on these platforms. Consider searching for your friend on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn. If they have an online presence, you might be able to send a friend request or message them there. Always approach these situations with sensitivity, understanding that people have different comfort levels with online communication.
Nike Newmann on January 13 at 12:26 AM
I understand the desire to reconnect with an old friend. However, it's crucial to respect people's privacy. Instead of trying to find someone's address through their phone number, I recommend reaching out directly here If you have their number, consider sending a text or leaving a voicemail introducing yourself and expressing your intention to reconnect. It's a more respectful approach that allows the other person to respond at their comfort level. Remember, privacy and consent are essential in these situations.
Bill Flingstone on January 12 at 11:58 PM