"Bone" by Jeff Smith: This award-winning series follows the adventures of the three Bone cousins as they navigate a richly imaginative fantasy world. Filled with humor, action, and heartwarming moments, it is a beloved choice for young readers.
"Dog Man" by Dav Pilkey: From the creator of "Captain Underpants," "Dog Man" features a lovable half-dog, half-human character who fights crime and embarks on entertaining escapades. With its playful illustrations and comedic storytelling, this series is sure to captivate young readers.
"Amulet" by Kazu Kibuishi: This epic fantasy series follows the journey of Emily and Navin as they discover a magical amulet that transports them to a dangerous and enchanting world. With breathtaking artwork and an engaging plot, "Amulet" appeals to both kids and older readers.