Motivation in long-term weight loss

I am on my weight loss journey and I am facing various challenges, especially when it comes to maintaining motivation over time. It's really difficult when results aren't always immediately visible and sometimes it feels like the effort isn't worth it. I'm interested to hear how you deal with this challenge. What methods or strategies help you stay on track?
alikaka on September 26 at 10:23 AM in Other question
2 Answer(s)
Keeping motivated can be difficult, especially when change is slow. I went through this myself, and for me one of the biggest factors was semaglutide. When I started using it, it made a huge difference in my situation. Semaglutide helps control my appetite and reduces the feeling of hunger, which allows me to stay within my diet and not give in to temptation. I noticed that the drug made it easier to stick to my eating plan and keep me motivated as the results became more noticeable. In addition, I always tried to set realistic goals and celebrate even the smallest achievements, which also helped. If anyone is interested in additional details about effectiveness of semaglutide for weight loss, you can read this information.
toxatyt on September 26 at 10:24 AM
Keeping motivated is a real struggle. I don't use drugs, but simple things like keeping a food diary and exercising regularly are important to me. Sometimes I set small goals for myself to keep my focus. It can be anything from a walk to a new workout or preparing a healthy meal. Everyone finds their own methods, and the key is to look for what works for you.
zaza joj on September 26 at 10:25 AM