Has anyone else been hitting a wall trying to find good Laravel developers?

Has anyone else been hitting a wall trying to find good Laravel developers? I’ve been searching for weeks, and most of the candidates I’ve found either don’t have the right experience or they’re charging way too much. It’s slowing down my entire project. I’ve heard so much about Laravel being the go-to framework, but honestly, I’m starting to doubt if it’s worth the hassle.
WossyB 20 hours, 23 minutes ago in Technologies
2 Answer(s)
I feel your pain. We had a similar situation when we were building our platform. After looking for local talent with no luck, we outsourced to a team from South America. It was a bit of an adjustment, but they delivered high-quality work. Laravel’s great for remote teams, so I wouldn’t ditch it just yet—try going the global route. There’s a lot of talent out there if you’re open to working across borders.
Bills 16 hours, 47 minutes ago
Same issue here! I was struggling to find experienced devs, and in the end, I contacted one of the agencies offering Laravel Development Services. They connected me with a great team from Eastern Europe. They were affordable and really knew their stuff. It saved me a ton of time and stress. You might want to try reaching out to those kinds of services before giving up on Laravel.
Jameson 18 hours, 8 minutes ago