Chip tuning of the engine - weigh the pros and cons!

Chip tuning has its pros and cons, so think carefully before doing anything. It won't hurt to consult with competent people who can explain to you the peculiarities of this procedure. And lastly, if you did decide to "chip" the engine, refer to qualified masters, ask for flashing by anyone, somewhere in a garage at some inexperienced craftsman, I would not advise. In case of any problems with your engine, you won't be able to prove anything, instead you will get a "dead engine" and a lot of problems. Think about it, do you need it? And even if you have decided, do not forget the necessary tools, which can be purchased here ecutools. Chip tuning allows you to squeeze the maximum out of the power unit.
LolaLo on December 20 at 02:23 PM in Other question
4 Answer(s)
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Tom Hiddleston on January 17 at 03:24 AM
To pump up the engine or as it is customary to say - to make tuning, today you can even without a single key, not having with yourself any spare parts or tools. All you need is a computer and special firmware (firmware).
Of course, the mechanical tuning of individual systems is still there, but its popularity is much lower, because not everyone can afford it. In addition, it requires a lot of time and availability of professionals, which today you can't find by day. Chip tuning is a great alternative to the classic mechanical engine tuning. And what do you think?
LuisaLi on December 20 at 02:41 PM
In most cases, independent engine chip tuning deprives car owners of official warranty, so before you "tire" and squeeze all the juice out of the motor of your car, resolve this issue with your dealer.
KateNickolson on December 20 at 02:46 PM